Sunday, August 31, 2014

Write a program to output whether the person should be insured or not, his/her premium rate and maximum amount for which he/she can be insured.

Description: An Insurance company follows following rules to calculate premium.
  1. If a person’s health is excellent and the person is between 25 and 35 years of age and lives in a city and is a male then the premium is Rs. 4 per thousand and his policy amount cannot exceed Rs. 2 lakhs.
  2. If a person satisfies all the above conditions except that the sex is female then the premium is Rs. 3 per thousand and her policy amount cannot exceed Rs. 1 lakh.
  3. If a person’s health is poor and the person is between 25 and 35 years of age and lives in a village and is a male then the premium is Rs. 6 per thousand and his policy cannot exceed Rs. 10,000.
  4. In all other cases the person is not insured.


int main()
char health,sex,area;
int age;

printf("Enter health condn(e/p),sex(m/f),area(c/v)&age\n");
scanf("%c %c %c %d",&health,&sex,&area,&age);

printf("\nPremium rate = Rs. 4 per 1,000\n");
printf("\nmaximum policy amount = Rs. 2,00,000");
printf("\nPremium Rate = Rs. 3 per 1000");
printf("\nMaximum policy amount = Rs. 1,00,000");
printf("\nPremium Rate = Rs. 6 per 1,000");
printf("\nMaximum policy amount = Rs. 10,000");
printf("\nYou cannot be insured\n");

printf ("\n\nPress any key to close.");

getch ();
return 0;


insurance program c language

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